Wednesday, June 30, 2010

[NG]Gundam Astraea

Speaking of what's NG? No Good?? It's actually Non-grade and scale 1/100. It will be sell during a new anime aired in particular country. I personally like Gundam Astraea for the simple and nice looks. At that point of buying this kits, I didn't know about what's MG and 1/100 differences thus I though they were same but I was so wrong~~ XD!

The Boxart(BTW, it's RM86 ^^)

It consist of 12 runners and an instruction book as well.

Okay, let's talk about building it. Building a NG kits is somehow like building a big HG kits. NG has no inner frame. All it's having is joint and details. I'm enjoy as well while building this. NOTE; for those whom thinking of starting a MG kits, you may try NG first for you to know the scale and little bit more complicated kits ^^

As you can see, this is the complete GUNDAM ASTRAEA~!!!! As I said, it's simple and nice gundam. Small info for you guys, Astraea is Exia prototype that is why it looks similar to EXIA(this would indicate how BANDAI likes to milks us with EXIA!!XD). That's the old GN drive system. As you can see I never panel line it all so it's SUCKS ><".

I put some extra water decals on it(note; it is separated thus you have buy it yourself ^^)

Tuntasnya(conclusion in malay ^^), IF you like to have a MG kits then I would suggest you NG kits or else you going to ruin your first MG kits!!! Back to our topics, I can't really gives any comment besides the simple and nice looks hence have a nice day and thanks for reading as well. ^^

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