Monday, December 27, 2010

[HG]OO Qan{T} Part B

SASHI BULY~!!(Long time no see in japanese.) I'm back with my blog~! ^^ Speaking of what have I done......The RG RX78-2 is done BUT that guy definitely I'M NOT GONNA make a review. Simply because that kits really frustrating(THE PART BEING TOO SMALL so if you lost one SHXT then it's gone forever~~~ T-T ).

So for this review, I'm gonna talk about Double O Quanta. I could say this kits is one of the "pass" HG because of few points:

A)colour separation are good
B)Price are affordable (approximately RM57)
C)Shield are COOLu~!
D)it comes with a GN colour stand.
E)Weight issue surprisingly NO~
F)Articulation wise

BUT BUT BUT~ a few bad things to discuss about also:

A)You have to paint some parts(To be specific; the upper parts of the front and back camera, the clear parts and the feet.)
B)The Shield decrease the articulation of the head and hand.

THE DRAMA START HERE(note; it's a random story line, chat and not related or somehow related to the anime. XD~!)
Here goes.......
Exia: Long time no see..........OO quanta aniki(Brother in japanese.)

OO Quanta- Yeah~ It's been days.....(WAIT, aren't me produced right after OO raiser?! This guy is mad~ ><" Let's just act like I know him.)

Exia: I've been waiting for today~! Let's battle~! Battle for love~!
OO QT: Okay~! (What's that love supposed to be?? Btw, I'm gonna take this since he's using old GN drive.)
*Note; dear viewers, love refers to family love. Do not misunderstand~ *

*In a blink of eye which is specifically 1.0132567891 second......bla bla bla~*
Exia: Aniki, you became weaker.....
OO QT: What the~ I haven't even move....><"

Exia: I'm gonna take this......muahahhahahahhahahahhaha
OO QT: hey, I thought it was just a game. Bro, take it lightly~ ahehehe~*with a soft tone*

*This is also happened in a blink of eye which specifically 1.1xxxxx which explain the quanta energy is faster than GN system.*
OO QT: HAHA~ Loser~ I send out my bits earlier can't you realize~! (Please kindly check the 4th image ^^)

OO QT: At this rate, I think I have no choice but to use that.........SEAL power.....
Exia: What~! *Of course, from FAR~!*

OO QT: SHININGU FINGA~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eh, no~! SHININGU GN BITS~!!!!! *with a strong tone of course~*

*At this point, I think I require the Exia yell~!*
Exia: arrrrrhhhhhhHH~~~~~~~~

OO QT: Special service for you bro~!

OO QT: Looks like I'm a bit over ><" By the way.......

OO QT: I could survive with just 1 BITS~!
* You should know that right?! ><" *

Conclusion, honestly if only you like the OO QT then only you buy this.

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