Wednesday, February 8, 2012

[SHF] Kamen Rider Ouja

Finally, a longggggg awaited figure has reach my shelf. Kamen Rider Ouja form KR ryuki series. He can be describes as the most badass among all the villain riders. Of course, shadowmoon is way more scarier than this guy but I guess Ouja killed most rider in KR Ryuki series. I was walking around in KL Time Square and I was hoping to see whether any shop has import this shop.  I gave my last hope to the shop where previously I bought my Figma Wing Knight and the shop has it. Bought it at RM115 and it's worth the money after posing around with this figure.

WHY Bandai?
This time I choose to go for SHF rather than figma line because I wanted to give a shot on this figure. My major complain was the obvious joint system with SHF figure but this one is okay. The reason will be written as you read along.

This SHF doesn't include the contract monster like the Ryuki and Knight SHF. The hand is more than enough to pose which put KR Agito in a really bad place. (14 hands include the hold fist.) There are 6 cards include in this set which is Final vent, Advent, sword, steal and 2 blank contract card. This might indicate Raia and Rhino is going be Figuarts line or maybe just the contract monster alone. Don't think Bandai would put much effort on Ryuki series.
Bandai is very good at making head sculp. Also, I can see the details on this figure is very show accurate. Not sure you guys notice the head has to 'purposely' made sim line. I had never own a figma ouja but I saw those reviews and it doesn't has the same features as this one has. The shiny black colour eyes really stands out also. The head ball joint is good to make the neck cracking pose.
The chest plate is moveable hence articulation is not hinder much. The advent decks can be removable hence higher playability for SHF lines. The figma ones were printed and colored whereas SHF ones is sculpted on it. Here comes the Hip joint part, I think this one is a pass for Bandai since it's flat black color. Figma ones hide it nicely as always but the articulation for Bandai is much better compared to Figma. Also, not forget to mention the color for the armor in Figma ones was in dull purple where Bandai SHF were using metalic purple.

(Note; Figma KR DK series uses all the same body sculp and joint system thus I can comment on it without buying Figma Ouja.)
This one is a BONUS from Bandai. I don't remember the show even show his kicks having this kind of details. XD I might be wrong, please correct me if I do so.
The sword is pretty much the same as figma ones but the really different parts is the Ouja staff which can be opened and slot in the little tiny advent card. The details in the card slot is painted in silver with some detail which the effort is much appreciate.

CONCLUSION, get figma or shf?! My answer would be SHF because of the playability and details on this figure is better than the figma ones. Although I complain about the hip joint but this figure is easily pass due to the obviousness of hip joint is low. Putting him in a bunch of figma is good. This figure was set at a very good pricing. IF this figure comes with the advent monster then I would slightly think about figma. I do know that the advent monster is really great but it just me as a low budget collector doesn't want to spend that much on these figure. Have a nice day. BYE#

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