I choose OO raiser for the first review of toys simply because it's a good kits in terms of "pose-bility"(ignore my grammar and my broken english or else you gonna suffer alot by yelling infront of your computer ><") and of course my favourite character in OO season 2. At the first time I saw this gundam, I knew it's gonna be tons of variation because it look so~~~~~ incomplete(I'm talking about Gundam OO itself.). If it doesn't attach with the O raiser then the gundam would look so skinny and of course "kosong"XD. I did a few research by checking around the network about this kits then only decides to buy thus it's really worth(It cost RM76 ^^). BUY this if you're HG collector or you want start buying HG.

First, we take a look on the runners. They're 9 which I consider it's alot for a HG kits. You will get Trans-Am colour of course XD. For your information, this is how I decide to buy this kits:
i)Designer colour=RM70 (Lighter colour scheme+ 2 GN stickers)
ii)OO-raiser+GN sword 3=RM72 (Normal colour scheme+GN sword 3)
iii)Trans-AM OO raiser=RM76 (Trans-Am colour scheme+GN stage+GN sword 3)
From this listing, I can conclude that buying trans-Am are worth because you would get aGN sword 3 and a Trans-Am colour scheme too. Moreover, getting a GN colour stage. The price are close as well if you're a OO raiser fans then you do not need to think at all just buy whatever is available. For people like me, scaring that "What if I buy this and then they came out with another same kits but more weapons?? THEN I GG LOH~!!!". Of course, it's about pay more to have more features but think about it. Example; IF you are buying OO-raiser GN sword 3 but then later come out with another kits with more features such like the OO raiser 7 S/G(Which is already out)? XD Then you might be building another same kits ><".

Take a look at the colours.........

That's the GN stage ^^

I remember I was at a very tired mood and it's at midnight so I just want to finish AFAP thus this is how it should be look like. I didn't panel line it because I haven't found ways to panel line it red ><".

Comparing this kits to the HGUC Gundam Unicorn [Unicorn mode] :
i) OO-raiser obviously skinnier.
ii)Unicorn(Charlie~~~XD) is taller.
iii)Of course the OO-raiser is more flexible than the Unicorn. ^^

This is LOOK~~~~~~~~~~~ The sword are heavy as well and the back pack too but not much complain ^^.

In a NUTSHELL, Good HG kits to start with ^^. Buying HG wasn't my choice but now IT IS because comparing the MG kits with nowadays HG kits were so close but price so much different.
Buying a HG kits instead of MG;
-Easy to build
-more flexible and playable
-more variation
-more variation means buy more XD!!
-it becomes more and more expensive comapre to old kits( this indicate the quality is becoming better)